7.1 General Rules
a) To maintain the exclusiveness of apartment living, all the common facilities in Bayu Villa are intended for use by the Residents Only.
b) The use of the recreational facilities by guests of residents shall be restricted to Guest Day ONLY.
c) Residents employees are not permitted to use the recreational facilities unless they are signed in as guests on guest day only.
d) Each resident is permitted to bring in not more than two(2) guests per units at any one time for the use of the facilities.
e) Residents must accompany their guests when using the facilities.
f) The resident concerned will be held responsible for any damages caused by their guests or themselves. Any damages caused by previous user(s) of the facilities should be reported to the Management immediately before the commencement of use of the facilities.
g) The management may require any person using any of the facilities to identify himself or herself if necessary.
h) Any person found in breach of any rules and regulations may be asked to leave the facilities premises by the security guards.
i) All Occupants and Guests use the Common Facilities at their own risk. The Management is not responsible for any injuries or damage sustained by the use of for any loss and/or demage to their personal property.
j) No unreasonable NOISE / SOUND should be heard after 12 midnight. And no groups of people should gather at the Common Area after 12 midnight.
k) The rules and regulations for the facilities are subject to changes without prior notice.