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Friday, August 29, 2008

We Must Help Fight Crime

With the launching of the month-long national crime prevention compaign by the Prime Minister, the Malaysian Crime Prevention Foundation calls on all Malaysians to be part of the campaign and help convey its message

"Prevent Crime, Get Involved, We Can Do It Together"

to as may fellow Malaysians as possible as crime prevention is a collective responsibility.

Crime and Criminal activities have been a matter of grave concern to all Malaysians. There have been strong public comments that we have not done enough to fight crime. As the largest NGO involved in crime prevention, the MCPF shares the sentiments that have been expressed by several quarters.

Over the years, we have organised various crime prevention campaigns. Beginning from this year, we decided to organise a month-long nationwide crime prevention drive involving our branches in various states to reinforce public awareness on the need to act together to fight crime.

What is significant about this effort is that besides organising and implementing crime prevention awareness activities on a month-long basis, we have sought partnership with the relevant ministries, government departments and agencies, local authorities, private sector as well as various NGOs committed towards crime prevention.

More than million pamphlets in four languages on ways to prevent various types of crimes focusing on personal safety, home and office security, crime prevention for women, teens and schoolchildren as well as the disabled, including safety advice, are being made available throughout the campaign period.

This year's campaign is held in conjunction with the Merdeka month celebration. Malaysians achieved "Merdeka" and became free from colonisation. However, we are still not free from crime and the fear of crime.

The objective of our compaign is to free Malaysians from crime and criminal activities which is by no means an easy task.

What MCPF hopes to see is for all Malaysians to adopt zero tolerance towards crime, to develop an anti-crime culture and make crime prevention a way of life.

The best crime-prevention strategy and programme will not succeed if the public do not remain vigilant. We must help fight crime and by taking the following simple steps we can help make a difference.

Among the measures for implementation are:

  • Be aware that crime prevention is everybody's business
  • Alert the police immediately upon discovering a crime
  • Do respond to a crime victim's call for help. Who knows you may in turn need somebody's assistance one day when you are a victim of crime

However, one must constantly be on the alert so that we do not be easy targets for criminals. We do not provide opportunities for crime to happen.

It is important that one must also form a smart partnership with your local police station, NGOs and your neighbours to promote crime prevention and help eradicate crime.

Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye, vice-chairman, MCPF
from The Star, 29 August 2008

Monday, August 18, 2008

Regular Fees Require to Pay

It is Legal Duty, also the Benefits of the Owners / Residents, the following payments are necessary and must be made:-

i) Quit Rent - payable to the Land Office, Klang.

ii) Assessment payable to Majlis Perbandaran, Klang (MPK)

iii) Sinking Fund: It is a fund preserved for future use to maintain, upgrade etc of the buildings.

iv) Management Fee: for the normal day to day maintenance of the entire project and for the various services provided:- the rubbish collection; the security services; the cleaning of common areas; the maintenance of swimming pool etc.

v) Insurance premium for the buildings; In the event of fire, the building will be restored by insurance company.

Refuse Disposal

5.1 General

No Rubbish, Rags or any other refuse is to be thrown through the doors or windows of the premises except into the refuse bins provided in or outside the Complex.

Common Facilities

7.1 General Rules

a) To maintain the exclusiveness of apartment living, all the common facilities in Bayu Villa are intended for use by the Residents Only.

b) The use of the recreational facilities by guests of residents shall be restricted to Guest Day ONLY.

c) Residents employees are not permitted to use the recreational facilities unless they are signed in as guests on guest day only.

d) Each resident is permitted to bring in not more than two(2) guests per units at any one time for the use of the facilities.

e) Residents must accompany their guests when using the facilities.

f) The resident concerned will be held responsible for any damages caused by their guests or themselves. Any damages caused by previous user(s) of the facilities should be reported to the Management immediately before the commencement of use of the facilities.

g) The management may require any person using any of the facilities to identify himself or herself if necessary.

h) Any person found in breach of any rules and regulations may be asked to leave the facilities premises by the security guards.

i) All Occupants and Guests use the Common Facilities at their own risk. The Management is not responsible for any injuries or damage sustained by the use of for any loss and/or demage to their personal property.

j) No unreasonable NOISE / SOUND should be heard after 12 midnight. And no groups of people should gather at the Common Area after 12 midnight.

k) The rules and regulations for the facilities are subject to changes without prior notice.

Common Areas

3.1 No Obstruction at Common Areas

The sidewalks, passages, lobbies, stairways and common corridors must NOT be Obstructed at any time, or Used for any purpose other than their Designated Use.

Motorcycles, Bicycles, Tricycles, Children's riding toys, roller skates, skateboards and the like (with the exception of wheel chairs) or any other personal property may not be ridden in, used, placed, stored or left in any Common Areas (except for areas designated for such purposed) of the Complex.

3.2 Potted Plants

All Potted Plants shall be placed in containers so as to prevent the dripping of WATER or SOIL onto other apartments or common areas. All Occupants are to Ensure that No Potted Plants or any Objects are placed DANGEROUSLY on or near the perimeter of the premises or whereby they may fall and cause bodily harm(injure) to person(s) or damage to the property below.

3.3 Cleaning of Areas Adjoining to External Walls

Care should be taken cleaning areas joining the external walls so as to prevent water from running down the exterior of the building or into other apartments.

House Rules - The Purpose

a) the purpose of these rules and regulations which constitute the House Rules of Bayu Villa is to promote the HARMONIOUS Occupancy of the units therein, to protect all Occupants from Annoyance and Nuisance caused b any improper use of the units and to preserve the reputation and prestige of the Complex thereof, thereby maximising enjoyment of the premises and its facilities.

b) The House Rules are formulated to serve as guideline which govern the occupation and usage of the Complex. All occupants and invitees in the Complex shall be bound by these rules. It is the Management's desire to create awareness among all occupants that to achieve the common goal of a comfortable life in a peaceful environment, the co-operation of all occupants in complying with all the rules and regulations are required.

c) The full authority and responsibility for the enforcement of these rules lie with the Management. House Rules may be amended by the Management from time to time. Suggestions are welcomed from all occupants but must be put in writing to the Management who reserve the right t accept or reject any suggestions.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Management

Bayu Villa Management Corporation Sdn Bhd (779670-V)

D-G-21, Jalan Batu Unjur 9,
Taman Bayu Perdana,
41200 Klang
Tel: 03-3326-2290
Fax: 03-3324-1484

"Management" refers to the Developer or Management Corporation (when formed) or any appointed Managing Agent authorised by the Developer or Management Corporation (when formed) to enforce the House Rules. - House Rules, Pg4 1.1 f)


"Resident" refers to person(s) who is either a lessee or an owner of one of the units and who is also presently residing in Bayu Villa. - House Rules, Pg4 1.1 e)

"Occupants" includes owners, lessees, lawful servants, agents, permitters and licensees. - House Rules, Pg4 1.1 a)

"Owner" refers to any person(s) who owns a unit and who has title to the same. - House Rules, Pg4 1.1 b)

"Complex" includes the building or buildings comprising the individual premises, the common property and the car parks which are collectively known as Bayu Villa. - House Rules, Pg4 1.1 g)

Welcome to Bayu Villa Blog

Dear All Residents,

Kindly introduce yourself with your name and your unit number.
Post your valuable message here should it be Beneficial or Useful for the residents.

Regards | Tony Ng | Unit B-G-18,