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Monday, August 18, 2008

House Rules - The Purpose

a) the purpose of these rules and regulations which constitute the House Rules of Bayu Villa is to promote the HARMONIOUS Occupancy of the units therein, to protect all Occupants from Annoyance and Nuisance caused b any improper use of the units and to preserve the reputation and prestige of the Complex thereof, thereby maximising enjoyment of the premises and its facilities.

b) The House Rules are formulated to serve as guideline which govern the occupation and usage of the Complex. All occupants and invitees in the Complex shall be bound by these rules. It is the Management's desire to create awareness among all occupants that to achieve the common goal of a comfortable life in a peaceful environment, the co-operation of all occupants in complying with all the rules and regulations are required.

c) The full authority and responsibility for the enforcement of these rules lie with the Management. House Rules may be amended by the Management from time to time. Suggestions are welcomed from all occupants but must be put in writing to the Management who reserve the right t accept or reject any suggestions.